"Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore". I could imagine the blank look on Dorothy's face as she found herself in the land of Oz. Today, I had that same look and that feeling of being in different world as we touched down into Afghanistan. You could say that I was overwhelmed with emotions. The most immediate was FEAR...for obvious reasons. All around me were military vehicles, barbed wire fences, and blast walls all around the airport. And with all the training I received on roadside bombs and how to spot improvised explosive devices...I was now in the middle of the real thing. The other would be a feeling of PITY as the poverty was very obvious and very disheartening.
Here is a picture of the inside of the plane that we took into Afghanistan. As you can see I sat in the "jump seat" which allowed for tons of leg room. It was actually the most comfortable flight I have been on in months. The most memorable moment was getting on the plane and seeing "Old Glory" on display as a symbol of freedom and our mission to defend it.
Please continue to pray for the men and women who serve in our country's military as my new first person perspective of what is going on out here has inspired me to pray even harder!
Sounds like a memorable day, Mike. Thanks for including us in your journey. -george
Hey, that was a pretty nice ride you had in. I've only had a ride on a C-130 which is very uncomfortable with body armor on. Glad you made it to Phoenix. Looking forward to seeing where you head next.
For so many of us, the war is only what we perceive through the media and completely OUT there. But you're actually IN it! Or very near it, at least. Love your pictures and visually graphic details. Didn't know you to be so articulate! ;) My heart goes out to Gemma & the kids, too! I'd be going insane if I were in their shoes. Godspeed and best wishes to you!
PROUD...that's our contribution to the emotions list man. Know that we're proud of you and that we're lifting you up in prayer. May God continue to equip you with every gift and ounce of strength needed for each day...
"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds..." (2 Cor. 10:4)
great job on the blog Mike! Praise God for the internet and the ability to share pictures and words so easily. Thank you so much for taking the time and energy to share this with us. :) We're all praying for you and all the men and women with you!
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