Can't Wait to Be Home...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Day 39: We Will Never Forget

Today was a long day...we have been on the "range" for the last 2 days with minimal sleep and just got back this morning. I was going to add an entry about that experience, but I will save that entry for later...

When I applied for my military medical scholarship it was sold to me as an "easy" way to pay for medical school. Why school loans! My hopes of a "easy" military obligation all changed after 9.11.2001. At the time, I had no idea what the attack on NYC meant, nor did I have the time to ponder the implications it had on my future military career. Honestly, I was simply trying to get through medical school. It's now seven years later and the call to duty is in no way an "easy" one. In preparing for this deployment I have often caught myself complaining about how I would NOT have taken the scholarship if I knew the cost would include a year-long excursion into the dangerous "sandbox". How selfish am I? After reflecting back at what our country has been fighting for, and the sacrifices that have been made in the name of freedom...I find it an honor to serve in the United States Navy. May we never forget the freedoms that we have been blessed with, and for the bravery of those who have given their lives to grant us those freedoms.


Justin said...

Sounds familiar. It is interesting how things in life turn out a lot different than we thought they would. In the end, things work out, we learn and grow, and we are better for it. Of course, that doesn't mean I won't get out of the Navy as soon as possible. Until then it is an honor to serve and I am proud to join you in this battle.

Kyle said...

Thank you for serving our country, Mike.

Hennessy "Henna" Chin a.k.a. Tivoliz Patent Pending said...

Mike, you are in our prayers and thoughts. Your service to our country, along with all those in your company and those serving at home and abroad are appreciated even though it's not always expressed.


Grace Oei said...

Thank you Mike. I hope and pray that our leaders have as much dedication and responsibility to our armed forces as our armed forces display towards our country. Likewise may we, as the beneficiaries of freedoms bought at such a price, choose our leaders wisely.

One of my favorite quotes from John Donne:
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main...Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.