Can't Wait to Be Home...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Day 116: In His Sight

Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world!

There is something about the face of a child that makes us grown-ups smile. Perhaps it's their innocence, the carefree attitude, their fascination with the most simple things, their curiosity, their honesty, their ability to let their imaginations run wild! Whatever it is, they are truly a precious gift from God.

Today, we had many more patients at the local clinic than expected. We usually expect 25-30 patients, but today we had a little over 50!! The other interesting thing was that there was only 1 adult, the rest were all children! A little stressful since we only prepared about 30 "goodie" bags, but we were successful in preventing the extra children from leaving empty-handed.

Interacting with the Afghan children has been an immense blessing for me, and a joy for the ANA medics as well. Above is one of the medics posing for a quick photo-op as the kids wait their turn to be seen.

I think of my children all the time. Every time I teach a child a "high five" or "thumbs up" or how to wave "goodbye", I am reminded of my precious kiddos, Maxwell and Maya . I sometimes imagine what my homecoming will be like...maybe Max will be speaking in full sentences and will have conquered his potty training (no pressure honey), and perhaps Maya will be running full speed to greet me. Those are the thoughts that keep me going...

But, until that time comes, I will embrace every opportunity to minister to these precious children as they are seen as precious in His sight!

"Permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Mark 10:14 NASB

1 comment:

rochelle said...

Hi Mike, I am a friend of Sue's. I came across your blog on her page, and have been so inspired by what you are doing. Thank you for keeping us informed and helping us to see the positive things that are being accomplished on your side of the world. What a great opportunity for you to help all those children. You have definitely been in the service of God. You and those who are serving are in our prayers daily. Thank you for what you do.