Can't Wait to Be Home...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Day 137: Service

We had another successful free local national clinic today. The clinic served about 30 patients, mostly children, and we were able to give out vitamins, medicines, toys, blankets, shoes, school supplies, and jackets. Also, the proactive involvement of the Afghan medics and soldiers have made the local clinic a true joint coalition effort. Here are some highlights of our clinic day.

Hello in there! Hmmm...looks like a mild middle ear infection.

As you can see, some of the children leave the clinic with great outfits allowing them to be cozy for winter. Here is the cutest little Afghan girl modeling her new wardrobe.

At the end of the day, to see such impoverished people leave with their huge smiles and gestures of thanks reminds me that there is hope, even in Afghanistan.

For many of you who may be following my blog, I am asking for your help. I know that, financially and economically, times are tough. I'm sure you are stressing about Christmas budgets, wish lists, and traveling plans...I know how the holidays can be. But, being out here on the front lines of war and poverty, we honestly have it pretty good...actually very good. So how can you be of service? Well, the clinic is strictly run through the generous donation of supplies from individuals, families, and organizations back home. Anything from coloring books, crayons, shoes, jackets, sweaters, blankets, travel-sized personal hygiene products, and toys would be much appreciated. If anyone is interested in sending a box or 2 or 3...please e-mail me at and I can send you a more detailed flyer. Please consider the opportunity to make an enormous difference in the lives of those much less fortunate that ourselves.

"Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than themselves." Philippians 2:3 KJV

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