Can't Wait to Be Home...

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Day 148: Letters

I had mentioned in my previous blog that I had spent a significant part of my Christmas sorting through a bunch of letters and greeting cards from kids all around the country. It's amazing to see that so many children, of a variety of ages, have taken the time to remember the troops that are out here in Afghanistan. I couldn't help but share some of the letters that really put a smile on my face.

Merry Christmas to all. I hope that you are safe where you are. If you are ever unhopeful, say to yourself "I think I can" over and over again. Don't give up. Be Safe! Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. Thanks be to God! -- Cate

Dear Soldier, Merry Christmas! I wish you could be with your family. I hope you get some presents. Be safe and come home soon! I want an X-box. --From Grant

Check out all the letters and cards!

Dear Soldier, Thank you so much for your selfless sacrifice in defending our country. I just wanted to take the time to tell you that we all appreciate what ya'll are doing over there. Your actions in defending our country helps all of us sleep at night knowing that you are here to protect us. Thank you again for everything you have done for this country. God bless. --Anonymous

Dear Service Person, I'd like to thank you for defending my freedom. That's a wonderful gift you're giving me this Christmas: freedom. It really means a lot to me. You know, Jesus suffered for us to. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. --Mary

Dear Service Person, Thanks for your service to our nation! As a high school senior, I sometimes get caught up in the stresses of life--searching for colleges, doing well on tests...but then I'll see something as simple as an American flag bumper sticker and realize how much I have for which to be thankful. People will always find something about which to complain -- the economy, the President -- but you guys are out there risking your lives every day for our opportunity to complain. THANK YOU! --Sincerely, Sara

It's amazing to read the maturity in perspective that some of these children have. I hope that in reading these sincere expressions of appreciation, please take every minute of freedom that you have and make the most of it because you will never realize how valuable it is until it is taken away.

1 comment:

rochelle said...

...and I completely AGREE with every one of them. Our family sent some letters out as well. It's so nice to see the your side of the story. Thank you for sharing this experience with us!