Can't Wait to Be Home...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Day 71: Thirty-One

I am usually not one for doing anything crazy to celebrate my birthday, perhaps a small get-together with friends to include a cake and some ice cream. As long as things are fairly low maintenance I am all for it. Well today was the exact opposite. On paper, the schedule of birthday festivities looked harmless to include: story time at the library with Max, a quick stop at Costco, lunch at a local sandwich shop, ice cream at 31 flavors, and a visit to Color Me Mine to paint some pottery. You figure 3-4 hours add an infant, toddler, and some dirty diapers, and you just turned your day into an 9 hour ordeal!! Although it totally went against my usual birthday celebration policy it was one of my most unforgettable birthdays ever.

Our day started with storytime at the local Bakersfield library. Max has demonstrated a passion for orcas, especially one by the name of "Shamu", so we decided to read books on killer whales.

Our next birthday activity was a trip to Color Me Mine where we introduced Max to painting. I do not have a single artistic bone in my body, but I still had a great time! Max, Gemma, and I painted a birthday mug for grandpa Mercado's upcoming birthday, and I painted a cereal bowl for Max so he can remember me every time he has a bowl of Cheerios.

You can't have a birthday without ice cream! Here we are spending enjoying 31 Flavors on my 31st birthday.

After a long day with the kids, I finally had some time alone with my beautiful wife for a delicious Japanese dinner to wrap up a very action-packed day.

1 comment:

Gemma said...

Your birthday was just as fun and memorable for Max and me, too! Too bad Maya slept through most of it. ;)